Our Objectives

Purpose – Work - Actions

The Center’s mission is

A –  The recognition of titles and qualifications awarded by equal higher education institutes abroad and
B – Τhe provision of information concerning higher education studies domestically and abroad.

In order to achieve its purpose, Hellenic NARIC:

  1. Collects and processes the information and data concerning domestic and foreign higher education.

  2. Monitors the developments relating to higher education in international level, informs the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs as well as the universities on issues of foreign higher education and provides information to higher education institutes or competent Centers and similar organizations abroad, on the organization and operation of Greek universities in higher education.

c) Participates in meetings and other events organized by international organizations and especially by the ENIC and NARIC networks, of which it is a member.

d) Cooperates with bodies that aim in evaluating the quality of higher education concerning issues of common interest.

e) Cooperates with academic recognition and information Centers of other countries in the context of projects in the field of qualifications recognition, information and quality reassurance in higher education.